Welcome to Philippe Beaune and Lucas Manser
Today, we welcome two friends to the team: Philippe Beaune specializes in data analysis and exploration, while Lucas Manser is a cybersecurity engineer in the aerospace industry.
Individually or as a team, they participate in numerous OSINT CTFs and are involved in various community platforms.
Welcome to Simon Biotteau
We are pleased to welcome Simon Biotteau to the team.
Simon has a particular interest in geopolitics, history, and international current affairs.
2024 GNOSINT Project
After 5 months of traveling and 43 photos sent, GNOSINT had to return home. More than 400 people followed its adventures, but only 43 made it to the end.
Until the very end, the ranking remained uncertain, with a fierce battle for first place, which ultimately went to Méli-mélo, ahead of Ben and Grand-Duc.
With an accuracy of less than one meter per photo, twelve players deserve recognition.
The badges have been sent, congratulations to all!
Welcome Andrisca MABIKA OGNANDZI
It is with great pleasure that we welcome /Andrisca MABIKA OGNANDZI, our first OSINT trainee. Many thanks to the /EU GREEN Alliance for its financial support, which is making this internship possible under excellent conditions.
2024 Advent Calendar
A brief summary of the 2024 Advent calendar: almost 30,000 visits for 1,200 registered players.
The majority are Europeans (90%), but there are also players from North America and Asia.
Almost 20% of our visitors choose the English version of the site.
The badges have been sent out, congratulations to everyone.